@rangeofstrength Lucas Hardie will be flying in from Canada to Austin, Texas for a 2-DAY WORKSHOP on Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th April 2025, 9am – 5pm.

What Is Range Of Strength?
A method designed to build freedom of movement and strength through the lost art of flexibility training and old school strength applications.
Range of Strength is fast becoming sought after worldwide, having completed tours in Australia and the United Kingdom, bringing a unique blend of training methods to Austin, Texas for the first time.

What Will You Learn?
Deep dive into the skill of stretching with fundamentals for success. Understanding why strength is important in flexibility training and interpreting the application of these modalities.
Everything you need to know about building a strong ass to grass squat! This section will focus primarily on the back squat and how to best apply techniques that will maximise your range of strength as well as prerequisite considerations.
The old-school approach to building quality strength and movement through a modern lens. In this workshop, you will learn these techniques and how they should be applied in training to reap the most reward.
Splits are the pinnacle of flexibility training. Breaking down these big movements into the layers that give us the best results and understanding effective stretching applications will help you gain a fresh perspective on advanced training.
All participates will receive “Certificate of Completion” to use towards CECs
Day 1

Range of Strength Basics
Deep dive into the skill of stretching with fundamentals for success.
Understanding why strength is important in flexibility training and interpreting the application of these modalities.
Everything you need to know about building a strong ass to grass squat! This section will focus primarily on the back squat and how to best apply techniques that will maximise your range of strength as well as prerequisite considerations.
Finally, after completing day 1, everyone is invited to join us for food in the evening.
Day 2

Splits are the pinnacle of flexibility training. Breaking down these big movements into the layers that give us the best results and understanding effective stretching applications will help you gain a fresh perspective on advanced training.
Old School Strength
The old-school approach to building quality strength and movement through a modern lens. In this workshop, you will learn these techniques and how they should be applied in training to reap the most reward.
Crossfit Uncommon
AUSTIN, TX 78753
Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th April 2025, 9am – 5pm
Spaces Are Limited So Get In Quick!
The 2-day workshop will be full on and hands on, taking part in the Range of Strength methods and ideologies, asking questions and applying the ROS theory to your own training and goals.
You will be given the tools to increase your strength in the end range and help you live a more flexible and resilient life.
Early Bird for $100 off Valid Until Midnight, March 8th